The goal of UPRS is to improve the position of seafarers in the Republic of Serbia, to promote the education of seafarers, and to promote cooperation and communication among seafarers of the Republic of Serbia.
The Association performs the following activities:
-Follow and promotes domestic and international regulations, standards and recommendations in the field of maritime affairs and maritime law.
- Follows, promotes and publishes information on maritime transport, maritime legislation, new technologies in maritime transport, maritime education and training, environmental protection and conservation, as well as other areas of work.
- Points out problems, promotes and participates in finding solutions and making concrete proposals in the field of its activity.
- It connects the government, private, non-governmental sector and citizens in order to better cooperate with each other and achieve common goals.

UPRS is a non-governmental, professional, voluntary and nonprofit association.
The goal of UPRS is to improve the position of seafarers in the Republic of Serbia, to promote the education of seafarers, and to promote cooperation and communication among seafarers of the Republic of Serbia.
Modernizing the education of young staff.
Pointing out the failures of the competent authority in regulating the marine field.
Performance of all members in front of domestic and foreign relevant institutions.

„Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse.“
„To navigate is necessary, to live is not.“