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Board for implementation, monitoring and improvement of the Water Transport Development Strategy

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

Based on Article 33, para. 2 and 3 of the Law on Government ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 55/05, 71/05 - correction, 101/07, 65/08, 16/11, 68/12 - US, 72/12, 7 /14 - US, 44/14 and 30/18 - other laws),

The government brings


on the formation of the Board for the implementation, monitoring and improvement of the Water Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025, for the period from 2021

"Official Gazette of RS", number 125 of December 17, 2021.

1. The Board for the implementation, monitoring and improvement of the Water Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 (hereinafter: the Board) is being formed, for the period from 2021.

2. The task of the Board is to supervise the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and updating of the Water Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2025 ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 3/14 and 66/20 - hereinafter: Strategy), to continuously monitor the implementation of activities from the action plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the period until 2025 (hereinafter: Action Plan) under the jurisdiction of individual state administration bodies, to coordinate activities between individual state administration bodies, i.e. to remove perceived obstacles in the implementation of the Action Plan, to report on the implementation of activities from the Action Plan and participate in the evaluation of the Strategy.

3. The following are appointed to the Board:

- for the president:

Tomislav Momirović, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

- for the deputy president:

Biljana Popović, State Secretary in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

- for members:

1) Veljko Kovačević, Acting Assistant to the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

2) Ivan Đoković, Acting Director of the Directorate for Waterways, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

3) Vuk Perović, Acting Director of the Port Management Agency;

4) Ivana Kunc, senior adviser in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

5) Jelena Sofrić, senior adviser in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

6) Predrag Jevremović, independent advisor in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

7) Irena Konjević, independent adviser in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

8) Milovan Stepanov, independent advisor in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

9) Ana Raonic, associate in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

10) Dušan Žugić, advisor in the Directorate for determining the seaworthiness of ships, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;

11) Aleksandar Milušić, police lieutenant colonel in the Ministry of Internal Affairs; 12) Predrag Aleksić, senior advisor in the Ministry of Finance;

13) Zoran Ostojić, senior adviser in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications;

14) Snežana Kuzmanović, senior adviser in the Ministry of Environmental Protection;

15) Gordana Špegar, independent adviser in the Republic Directorate for Water, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management;

16) Aleksandra Džoljić, adviser in the Ministry of Economy;

17) Veronika Raspopović, adviser in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development;

18) Mladen Grujić, member of the Shipping Group, Transport Association, Serbian Chamber of Commerce;

19) Sanja Đurišić, president of the Ports and Piers Group, Transport Association, Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

4. If necessary, the Board may consult with representatives of other state bodies and organizations, local self-governments, business associations and citizens' associations.

5. Professional and administrative-technical support to the Board is provided by the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure.

6. This decision enters into force on the eighth day from the day of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia".

05 number 02-11565/2021

In Belgrade, on December 16, 2021


President, Ana Brnabić, s.r.

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