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Meeting of the UPRS and the Ministry of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure


Dear members and colleagues seafarers,

We inform you that a meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure (MCTI) and the Seamen's Association of Republic of Serbia was held on 13.02.2023.

The MCTI was represented by the Assistant Minister, Mr. Predrag Petrovic, and the Advisor for Maritime Transport, Mr. Predrag Jevremovic, while the Association was represented by the following members of the Executive Board: Bosko Sekerovic, Stefan Carevic, Jovan Jovicic and Mladen Carevic.

The urgent problems concerning seafarers were presented and possible solutions were discussed.

The topics of this meeting were:

1)Seafarers' status and taxes

2)Establishment of a working group to solve the status of seafarers, it was agreed that people from MCTI will be included in that group

3)The problem of non-recognition of certificates from other countries as well as the need for the National Academy for training crew members to start working as soon as possible and for the renewal of training and certification of seafarers in Serbia

4)Restarting the maritime course at the School of Shipping, shipbuilding and Waterway civil engineering, from Belgrade

5)The deficiencies of the seafarer's book templates were pointed out, as well as the need for the issuance of Seafarers Identification Documents (SID) to start as soon as possible

6)The need for expanding the capacities of LC Belgrade in case the proposed legal solution of seafarers' status is adopted

Unlike the earlier period, we have noticed extremely positive energy among the new personnel solutions in MCTI, where there seems to be a sincere will to start things from a dead end.

We have finally received a response from the other side to our long-standing outstretched hand, so it has been agreed to hold more frequent meetings where seafarers' problems would be discussed, solutions negotiated and results summarized.

Finally, we take this opportunity to once again thank all our members for their trust and support, but we also appeal to all our seafarer colleagues to understand the need for a larger membership and to support the Association through their membership.

If you are a seafarer, this is your Association!

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